Why Choose ISM?
Founded in 1965, ISM is by far the longest-established provider of alpine mountaineering and climbing courses to English-speaking clients. The majority of our clients come from the UK although we attract English-speaking clients from all over the world. Our courses provide valuable instruction and learning opportunities along with fantastic guided experiences leading to many long-lasting friendships and climbing partnerships.
We are owned, managed and operated by a team of vastly experienced IFMGA guides.
We are owned, managed and operated by a team of vastly experienced IFMGA guides.
We believe in the mountaineering and climbing school mentality, delivering both skills and experiences to our clients, help them learn, develop and grow as independent mountaineers and achieving their own person goals and objectives whilst having an adventurous and fun experience.
Perfectly paced and tailored, great variety of skills learned. Guiding and Instruction? Thomas was fab! Everything was pitched at the right level (no pun intended), safety was always paramount and everyone had so much fun learning everything.